Water Meter Replacement Project
During Phase 1 of this meter replacement project, WKUD’s contractor, Pedal Valve, replaced 15,300 meters. Phase 1 was completed on December 10, 2024. Beginning February 1, 2025, WKUD will start a second phase of the project. This replacement project continues as the original AMR (automated meter reading) meters that were installed approximately 18 years ago are nearing the end of their battery life. This meter replacement project will allow timely, reliable, and accurate readings of customer water usage.
West Knox Utility District employees will be performing the work during Phase 2 of this project. All West Knox Utility District staff will carry an identification badge, as well as be in company uniform. WKUD personnel will also be driving identifiable vehicles with our company logo visible on the side panel of the truck. If you see an individual not matching these descriptions, please do not hesitate to call WKUD customer service at 865-690-2521.
The Phase 2 work will occur throughout the District but will mainly be focused on the South and Southwest areas. Please refer to the link below for a map of the areas requiring meter replacement in this phase of our project. It is anticipated that each water meter replacement will require approximately 15-20 minutes during which water service will be interrupted. After the changeout is complete, the water service will be reinstated, and the new meter will be verified to be working properly. The meter replacements will occur during the normal work week as well as on weekends.
WKUD would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we replace and upgrade our meters to better serve our customers. If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact our office during normal business hours.