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Frequently Asked Q & A

Why is my water meter being replaced? 

West Knox Utility District will be launching an extensive Water Meter Replacement Project beginning August 1st, 2024, in a continued effort to ensure the most efficient reporting of water usage data. This changeover comes as an original grouping of 18,000 AMR meters (automated meter reading) are nearing the end of their battery life expectancy. To ensure timely and reliable readings in the future, water meter replacement is vital for maintaining the accurate measurement of water as well as the trust of our customers. 


Is there a cost for this service?

No, there is no charge to the customer for the new water meter replacement service.


When will this work be performed? 

The project is set to begin August 1st of this year, with an estimated completion goal of eight to nine months.  However, this projected timeline is subject to change dependent on outside factors such as weather, holidays, etc. 


Will a Pedal Valves technician notify me before turning off the water? 

A Pedal Valves technician will knock on your door, give a brief explanation of who they are, and the procedure they will be conducting at your residence. If you do not see proper Pedal Valves identification on the technician and his vehicle, please do not open the door. Please call 865-690-2521 immediately. 


How will this affect my service?

A Pedal Valves employee will come directly to your residence and replace the existing water meter. The water meter will be checked to verify that water is presently not in use. If  no water is currently being used,  Pedal Valves will proceed as planned and install your new water meter. There will be a slight  interruption of service for approximately 15-30 minutes during this process. After installation of your new water meter is complete,  a Pedal Valves technician will  then turn the water back on proir to leaving your home. 


Will I have to be at home during the installation ?

No, the water meter is located outside of the home. 


How long will it take to install the new water meter?

Installation should take between 15-30 minutes.


What am I required to do?

  • All gates must be accessible/unlocked for WKUD serviceman or Pedal Valves employee.
  • All meters must be accessible, meaning the water meter must not be covered up with mulch, plants, rocks, or any means which would camouflage or interfere with servicing a meter (per WKUD policy p.99).   


What if my pets are kept outside or in the yard?

All animals around/ in conjuction with a water meter must be secured or placed in a safe area.


How do I know who is authorized to do the work? 

West Knox Utility District has contracted with Pedal Valves to conduct this service. This work will be performed by PVI technicians wearing blue shirts, marked with the logo "PVI Meter Team Contractor", as well as carrying appropriate identification at all times. Trucks marked with the  PVI/ Meter Team Contractor will be used throughout the duration of the project as well. 

If you see a vehicle or person(s) not identified as PVI or West Knox Utility District during this time, please do not hesitate to immediately contact WKUD customer service at 865-690-2521. 


Do they need to come inside my home? 

No, water meters are located outside of the home. If asked to do so by a PVI technician or WKUD serviceman, please call West Knox Utility District at 865-690-2521 immediately.


Why was I not able to turn on my water after the meter was installed? 

In rare instances, the main cut-off valve to your home may be left off. This will occur when the Pedal Valves installation team is not able to pressurize your home following the installation. The normal cause of this condition is when an inside spigot is opened during the installation and subsequently left open. The water is not turned back on to ensure a sink or bath tub does not overflow with the resident not home to turn the water off. In these cases, your water will be left off and a door hanger will be left on your door providing you a point of contact to call to have your water turned back on immediately.