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New Development Assistance Guide

West Knox Utility District’s Engineering Department is excited to work with you on your upcoming project!

It is our responsibility to standardize and observe the installation of all new water and wastewater lines within the limits of West Knox Utility District. The New Development Assistance Guide contains pertinent information that the developer is required to review and acknowledge before they can tie into our system. The general notes, standards and details need to be referenced during the design to ensure the installation of utilities meets West Knox Utility District’s specifications. There are a small quantity of deliverables that West Knox Utility District will require to be submitted and approved prior to releasing water meters . This list of prerequisites includes but is not limited to items such as as-built drawings, affidavit of cost, final plat, and address maps. Please refer to the listing below for our New Development Assistance Guide. All forms contained in this guide have been broken down and individualized to allow quick access and convenience for our clients . Our engineers are available by appointment to discuss any/all questions you may have about the development packet or new construction in general. 

Relevant Documents

WKUD Development AgreementWater Notes (Required on Plans)Sewer Notes (Required on Plans)Affidavit of Cost-WaterAffidavit of Cost-SewerE-One Residential GP Installation RequirementsWKUD Standard DetailsWater Standard SpecificationsSewer Standard Specifications